We face economic, environmental, and social challenges every day that require sustainable solutions. Entrepreneur, scientist, and author Robert Colangelo talks with experts across a variety of global sectors – Energy, Transportation, Food, Agriculture, Water & Waste Management, Climate, and more. Every week, Robert and his guests explore practical, cost-effective, and innovative solutions. You’ll hear objective facts to help you make informed choices so that your lifestyle and business can be more sustainable. Listen every week to hear the latest show, download our complete library of podcasts from Spotify and Apple, and tune into 780 AM & 105.9 FM, WBBM Chicago, to listen to the Green Sense Minute every Thursday and Saturday.
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Food safety during coronavirus
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
As the coronavirus touches nearly every aspect of life in nearly every part of the world, how we raise food is coming into question. Our longtime correspondent Chris Higgins of Urban Ag news joins us to talk about indoor farming when facing a pandemic.
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Activism via innovation with Extinction Rebellion
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Activism, using vigorous campaigning to bring about social change, has been a key element for many important movements - voting rights, workers rights, civil rights and the environmental movement. The way we approach activism has also been going through some changes and one group leading the way is Extinction Rebellion, or XR. It’s committed to non-violent direct action, recognizing that periods of great social change have been launched when ordinary people reached out to the levers of power and (peacefully) pushed.
David O’Donnell works with the Chicago chapter of Extinction Rebellion.
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Green cars a no-show at the nation's largest auto show?
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Consumer Guide Automotive publisher Tom Appel joins us after spending time at the Chicago Auto Show. While it's the nation's largest, there were decidedly few green cars on display. He'll helps explain why and what we might expect at future auto shows in other cities this year.
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Arbor Day Foundation's Tree Cities of the World
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Cities make up just three percent of the planet's surface, but they're home to nearly 60 percent of the world's population who consume 75 percent of natural resources. So, it’s helpful that they contribute to taking in carbon dioxide and supplying oxygen. The Arbor Day Foundation recently announced the first cities which are part of its ‘Tree Cities of the World’ program and we’re joined by Pete Smith, the foundation’s Urban Forestry Program manager.
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Getting beyond sustainability/Green Rush
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
The term ‘regenerative’ is being used often today in agriculture, food, biology, even in finance. It means to restore, renew and grow - and it’s a way we can emulate nature instead of working against it in many aspects of human life. Emily Olson is the founder of ReGen Friends and works to bring regeneration beyond just a buzz word.
As we continue our series on the ‘green rush,’ the massive growth of the cannabis industry as legalization spreads across the US, we’re joined by Damian Soloman, who’s had a long international career in indoor agriculture and now runs Plant Geek Consulting.
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Global worming/Insect light pollution
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Earthworms, which are beneficial to the soil in some areas, are now heading into places like the northern forests of Canada and the U.S. - disturbing the soil and transforming ecosystems. It could result in large amounts of carbon stored in the ground to be released into the atmosphere. Dr. Justine Lejoly is one of the researchers with the University of Alberta who’s been looking into the phenomenon of ‘global worming.'
Even though we might take them for granted, healthy insect populations are critical for life on earth. We hear about insects dying off because of pesticides, climate change, or other causes we don’t yet understand. One factor is light pollution - that is artificial light from homes and buildings. Dr. James Karl Fischer is the Executive Director of the Zoological Lighting Institute.
Friday Dec 20, 2019
DHL pedal delivery bikes/Green Automotive News 2020 recap
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
DHL has been trying out a by a new kind of cargo carrying bicycle to reduce pollution and traffic congestion. We’re joined by DHL Fleet Manager Chris Wessel to tell us more about Commercial Cargo Bikes soon to be whizzing through the streets of Manhattan.
Tom Appel, publisher of Consumer Guide automotive has a look back on the year in green automotive news with EVs, hybrids, high MPG cars and more.
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Green Rush part 2/Filtering storm water with sand
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
In our ongoing series getting to know the ‘green rush’ a bit better, we are meeting people innovators in the world of cannabis growing. One such person is Mike Lewis of Third Wave farms which occupies a unique niche as a supply chain consultant working to maximize crop yield and quality.
Stormwater that runs off pavements, gutters and lawns - picking up toxins and contaminants along the way - is usually discarded as pollution. But researchers at UC Berkeley have found a new way to use sand to soak up certain toxic materials from storm water which could unlock a new water supply. We’re joined by lead author Joe Charbonnet.
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Green Rush/Microplastics research
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
As the legalization of various forms of marijuana and hemp continues, we're seeing interest in farming it as a crop grow along with it. Bob Crumley, is the Founder of Founders Hemp and an early adopter and leader in the industry establishing one of its first vertically integrated companies.
The world produces more plastic waste than ever, adding about 300 million additional tons per year—nearly equivalent to the weight of the entire human population. Close to 80 percent ends up in landfills or the environment. It’s time to work on solutions and Northwestern University just launched a new program on plastics, ecosystems and public health. We’re joined by Dr. Aaron Packman, a Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering with Northwestern.
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
New Ford Mach-E/Solar panel innovations
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Consumer Guide Automotive Publisher Tom Appel shares Green Automotive news – the greening of the Jeep Wrangler and news about Ford’s new EV, the Mach-E.
We’ve covered the innovation around solar cells being made from perovskite on Green Sense in recent months. An advantage is greater efficiency. However, in commercial use, the materials are unstable and contain hazardous water soluble lead. But a new team of scientists led by Letian Dou at Purdue University have come up with something new & improved.